Pieter Chanterie is a visual artist, born in 1996, in Leuven. He lives and works in Brussels.

His work varies from small paintings on wood to murals, drawings, (wall) sculptures and books.
There’s a large focus on the object in itself and its materiality, but also on making the 3D- or 2D-object a window to elsewhere.

This window resides in a bigger, rather unstable structure – the wonky framework of a semi-finished building on pillars.
In order not to challenge this unsteadiness, you enter and propel with utmost care. When walking through this carcass and sketch of a house, you’ll discover some nooks that are already painted in a stylish color and furnished with a dusty display cabinet filled with trinkets. They’re small, handmade and banal, but loaded with transcendent powers. You could approach them as you would a talisman – can’t guarantee that they’re not a scam…


Back to Pi’s Pieces:

His visual language is a medley of contemporary and historical imagery, from infographics to Medieval miniatures. This sweet ‘n sour cocktail decorates the stage for spiritual, personal and fictional novellas. 

Some specific aspects of his work worthy of pointing out: 

  • The constant act of collecting this overload of imagery like blueberries in a large field, where only a portion survives. But compulsively trying to salvage them all in a tiny tiny basket.
  • Painting as the middle part of a Venn diagram between designing, making and performing.
  • Societal codes, their absurdity and cuteness.
  • The miniature, as a rebel against a big big world, but also an analysis of that world.
  • The narrative and the decorative.

This reminds me,

did you see the neighbour’s hideous new curtains? Apparently, she bought them from the lady down the street, who got them from the mayor’s sister, who coloured them with her bare hands in a bucket in her garden. I can’t bear looking at them for one more second. I’ll retreat to my unstable house, it’s nighttime anyway.

My poorly lit room reveals little of the installation where music seems to be coming from. It’s playing a great pop song, a melancholic dance track.
The popstar’s low effort singing is kindred to the renaissance painters’ sprezzatura.

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Master’s Degree in Fine Arts

LUCA School of Arts, Ghent

09.2017 – 06.2018


Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki

08.2016 – 12.2016

Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts: Painting

LUCA School of Arts, Ghent

09.2014 – 06.2017


Aesthetic Echoes


PLUS ONE-Gallery, Antwerp, BE

group show with 100 artists who created a work on the iconic 12-inch size of a vinyl record cover

Border Buda


Buda, Vilvoorde/Brussels, BE

open air group exhibition in the industrial zone ‘Buda’ with permanent and temporary works, investigating the heritage and current characteristics of this region.

Scampi Gallery: Vismarkt


Pizza Gallery, Antwerp, BE

group show organized by artist-duo Maya Mertens and Julien Neirynck

The Wunderwall with Pieter Chanterie


The Wunderwall, Antwerp, BE

Solo show

A4 a Wall


Vroom, Brussels, BE

Group show with 60 artists presenting a A4-sized work

Biennale Hedendaagse Kunst


Kasteel van Poeke, Aalter, BE

Group show organized by Rotary club Aalter

Über Das Neue
Edition: Giftshop


Belvedere 21, Vienna, AU

Group show presented by art space 'EDITION:', showing artists they worked with in recent years. The show is part of the program of Über Das Neue

Nomadic Bloemenhof/ Jardin aux Fleurs


Bloemenhofplein, Brussels, BE

Open-air group show, organised by Veduta, with Anne Beumer, Louise De Bosscher, Noe Stéfano, Pommelien Koolen

Not My Monkfish


ZSenne artlab, Brussels, BE

Group show initiated by Siene Hollemans and Senne Vanderschelden, in collaboration with Nastasia Daelman, Charlotte Decoster, Pom Koo, Gabri Molist, Charel Pycke, Ramona Vangrinsven, Lotte Vansantvoet

First act of the trilogy IV-II-III "The Youth of S.F"


Komplot icw SB34, Brussels, BE

Group show, curated by Koi Persyn with Toon Boeckmans, Kamil Bouzoubaa-Grivel, Rosanne Claes & Ignace Wouters, Romane Claus, Aaron Daem, Pieter De Clercq, Axel Korban, Natasja Mabesoone, Benjamin Mengistu Navet, Juan Pablo Plazas, Michaela Schweighofer, Camilla Steinum, Manon van den Eeden, Ken Verhoeven

The Oracle of Bungalow Park


SECONDroom, Antwerp, BE

Solo show, on view for one evening

Four-Poster Bed In The Star Lounge


Volkskundemuseum, Bruges, BE

solo exhibition, dialogue with the collection

Tarot editions


019, Ghent, BE

group show with 78 artists participating in project ‘Tarot editions’, curated by Adriënne van der Werf and Emma Keppens



Brussels, BE

Group show curated by Medusa, art collective

The Lobster’s Lodge


KOP, Breda, NL

solo show

The Souffleur’s Cabinet


SEAS, CC Sharpoord, Knokke Heist, BE

solo show

Season Highlights - Jan Naaijkens Prize


Kunstpodium T, Tilburg, NL

group show with the 4 nominees for the Jan Naaijkens Prize as part of the ‘Master Apprentice Project’ from Kunstpodium T



Geitstraat 92, Ghent, BE

group show curated by Lenny Vervaeke

PEW PEW PEW: The Tower Above The Puppet Theater


Edition:, Linz, AT

show as part of the ‘PEW PEW PEW’ festival program where 5 internationals artist were invited for a week long recidency and the making of a 1 day exhibition

In Bloom


Zwart Huis Gallery, Brussels, BE

group show with Pieter Chanterie, Antoine Goossens and Louie Mauws

De nar en zijn narrenstaf, Le bouffon et sa marotte


Vensterbank, Leiden, NL

group show curated by Caz Egelie with Roos Nieboer, Roy Vastenburg, Sandra Heemskerk, Tjobo Kho

Apprentice Master Expo #1: Wintermarkt


Kunstpodium-T, Tilburg, NL

group show as part of ‘Master Apprentice project’ from Kunstpodium-T with Maarten Bel, Wessel Verrijt, Emma van Doorn, Vitoria Aquino

LUCA Showcase 2018


Cas-Co, Louvain, BE

group show of selected graduated master students from LUCA School of Arts

SECONDroom Leuven – Really Real


Louvain, BE

group show with Marijs Boulogne, Thorsten Baensch, Pieter Chanterie, Christine Dupuis, Charlotte Grégoire, Erik Chiafele, Maurice Doherty, Yannick Ganseman, David Hoppenbrouwers, Dialogist-Kantor, Oswin Loedts, Lulu Ngie, Claudia Radulescu, Sarah Reynders, Bart Schoofs, The After Lucy Experiment, Christophe Terlinden, Peter Van Eyck, Stijn Wybouw

The front space 1: Pieter Chanterie


Valerie Traan Gallery, Antwerp, BE

solo show



oude Gentse justitiepaleis, Ghent, BE

group show with Ben Benaouisse, Hedwig Brouckaert, Pieter Chanterie Reinhout Hiel, Ilse Joliet, Ben Kockelkoren, Stéphanie Leblon, Heidi Loeckx, Sofie Muller, Charel Pycke, Ilse Selhorst, Annouk Thys, Geert Vanoorlé, Robin Vermeersch, Sarah Westphal, Thomas Willemen, Dirk Zoete

Jonge Kunstenaars 2018


Sint-Lukasgalerie, Brussels, BE

group show of selected gratuated master students from LUCA School of Arts



LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, BE

group show of all graduated masters

Doing The Laundry


De Wasserij Kunstcentrum, Lokeren, BE

group show and final master jury with Pieter Chanterie, Elvira De Pelsmacker, Niels De Meirleir, Kapinga Muela Kabeya, Karel Segers, Jef Scheirlinckx, Alexander Verkens



Ghent, BE

group show with Nastasia Daelman, Rosa De Coster, Ramona Vangrinsven, Lotte Vansantvoet



In de Ruimte, Ghent, BE

group show with Miguel Acket, Marieke Bontinck, Marta Grabowska, Pieter Chanterie, Elvira De Pelsmacker, Alina De Pelseneer, Lisa Roggeband, Kimberly Vanderbeken, Paulien Wellens, Kay-leigh Tess

Lokaal 22


LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, BE

group show with Pieter Chanterie, Louie Mauws, Lenny Vervaeke



LUCA School of Arts, Ghent, BE

group show of 3rd year painting class

Mijn Droomhuis


De Drukkerij, Louvain, BE

group show with Rosa De Coster, Lukas De Ryck, Ramona Vangrinsven, Lotte Vansantvoet



CC Stroming, Berlare, BE

group show of 3rd year painting class

Semaine D’AR/T


CC de Markten, Brussels, BE

group show organized by JHMJ DAR